Mathematics and its Applications (Reidel)

6 réponses.

Birman, M. Sh. & Solomjak, M.Z.

Spectral theory of self-adjoint operators in Hilbert space. - Reidel publishing company, 1987. - (Mathematics and its Applications (Reidel)).

Vakhania, N. N. & Tarieladze, S. & Chobanyan, S. A. & Hazewinkel, M. (ed)

Probability distributions on Banach spaces. - Reidel publishing company, 1987. - (Mathematics and its Applications (Reidel)).

Askey, R. A. (ed) & Koorninder, T. H. (ed) & Schempp W. (ed)

Special functions : Group theoretical aspects and applications. - Reidel publishing company, 1984. - (Mathematics and its Applications (Reidel)).

Bellman, Richard Ernest & Vasudevan, R.

Wave propagation. An invariant imbedding approach. - Reidel publishing company, 1986. - (Mathematics and its Applications (Reidel); 17).

Hurt, Norman E.

Geometric quantization in action : applications of harmonic analysis in quantum statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. - Reidel publishing company, 1982. - (Mathematics and its Applications (Reidel); 8).

Istratescu, Vasile I.

Fixed point theory. - Reidel publishing company, 1981. - (Mathematics and its Applications (Reidel); 7).